Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Where is the sun??

What have u been doing on this cold Hari raya haji holiday? It seems that we wouldn't be seeing the sun for quite a few days. Clothes will take a super long time to dry..unless u have a dryer at home. There is a distintive musky smell lingering on my clothes these day :P I love sundried clothes..the freshness..hmmm... I miss the sun. Just finished watching two vcds rented by my brother--- local production "One More Chance" 3个好人 by Jack Neo and Korean movie "April Show". One more chance had both humor and tear renching moments. As usual Jack Neo touches on very localised issues and this time was life as an inmate in the prison and how society view these ex convicts. As for April Show, the movie was rather slow moving , highlighting mostly on the emotional issues faced by the male and female leads. There were rather explicit intimate scences considering this to be a korean production. But both Bae Yong Joon and Son Ye Jin are such eye candies :P definitely sizzling to look at :~~~}

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